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  ResBioAgro is a Spin-off biotechnological company of Seville University. Our aim is to use the intellectual property accumulated over the last 25 years in biotechnological resources for agriculture and facilitate technology transfer in food safety testing from research to industry. ResBioAgro intended to generate their own knowledge and technology transfer in cooperation and partnership with research groups and industry.


Our aim is to boost the use of microorganisms as effective partners to provide solutions to the biotechnology, food industry, energy and environment through products of high quality and services respectful with the environment.

ResBioAgro offers products and services related to the biotechnological industrial application of the knowledge acquired during the scientific career of his promoters in the study of microorganisms and its rhizospheric interaction in plants, with the aim to improve the yield of interest crops, as well as the prevention and resistance before diseases, contributing alternative solutions to the agriculture safeguarding the environment, all this through diverse microbiological technologies included in the Molecular Biology area.

A bet for the Agriculture of the 21st century, more sustainable, more productive and surer, generating an intelligent agriculture, which allows a suitable food of the world population.


The company ResBioAgro, S.L., with the knowledge acquired and transferred by the researchers who are part of the experienced promoting group, aims to achieve multiple objectives in biotechnology applied to various sectors such as Agri-food, Energy, and Environment. Thanks to its origins, ResBioAgro has a great capacity to continuously advance its technology, offering significant innovations in its services and products. ResBioAgro also has the ability to provide the various services available through the General Research Services (SGI) of the University of Seville.

As a technology-based company, ResBioAgro combines the necessary capacity and knowledge, as well as the experience, key promoting team, and human resources, to achieve its goals and ensure success.

The Agri-food Area of ResBioAgro continuously develops products and analysis services with the sole aim of providing solutions to the agri-food, energy, and environmental sectors. Among our main services are:

  • Determination of fungal diseases in crops of national and international interest (citrus, cereals, olive, berries, etc.) using fast and cost-effective techniques based on the use of molecular markers

  • Biocontrol of fungal diseases

  • Evaluation and determination of environmental impact on various ecosystems

  • Generation of microorganisms for biological control

  • Application of inoculants in crops and their monitoring

  • Study of soil diversity bioprospecting

  • Phytopathological prevention plan in nurseries

  • Food studies to ensure food safety

  • Bioassays

  • Microbiological control

  • Technical-scientific advice in agri-food

  • Determination of oxidative response activation in plants

  • Studies on Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) in plants

Environmental Area

The Environmental Area of ResBioAgro continuously develops products and analysis services with the sole aim of providing solutions to the agri-food, energy, and environmental sectors. Among our main services are:

  • Studies of bioactive products

  • Quality assessment of irrigation water using Molecular Biology techniques

  • Design and application of molecular probes for the identification of pathogens in water, soil, and plant material

  • Isolation, characterization, and production of bacterial enzymatic proteins applicable to the energy industry


 R&D Area

After more than twenty-five years of research, the promoting group of ResBioAgro S.L. is well-established to successfully execute any type of R&D project, both with public and private funding. This is backed by the numerous projects carried out with various organizations.

The ResBioAgro S.L. laboratory, located in the CITIUS building of the University of Seville, is equipped with the most advanced infrastructure available on the market to successfully tackle any business project.

Management Area

ResBioAgro, S.L., through expert professionals, offers services in the design and consultancy of research projects applied to industrial biotechnology, both at the national and European levels (National Plan, Framework Program, CIP, Iberoeka, etc.), as well as providing the necessary assistance and advice for obtaining funding.

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